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Monday 16 January 2017

Felicity Ball mosaics and Pinterest

Hello everyone,

This is just a little blogette to let you know about all my lovely Pinterest boards.

I have been on Pinterest for quite a while now and really enjoy collecting all sorts of arty pins I like, just so that I have them in one place and can go back there and enjoy them whenever I want!  There is so much amazing work out there of all media, and its such a pleasure to have my very own gallery at the press of a button.

So, I thought, if you are a Pinterest person (or even if you're not!), you might like to join me there sometimes too. Here is the link to my boards - https://uk.pinterest.com/justmosaics/  I am always adding new pins so do keep an eye open, and I look forward to your company over there!

Many thanks,
Felicity x

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